Product Information



Enzyme Immuno Assay
for the quantitative determination of
Adrenaline / Noradrenaline / Dopamine in Plasma and Urine


3x96 Determinations


The assay kit provides materials for the quantitative measurement of adrenaline, noradrenaline and dopamine in plasma and urine; 3 x 96 determinations.

Noradrenaline, adrenaline and dopamine are extracted using a cis-diol-specific affinity gel and acylated to N-acylnoradrenaline, N-acyladrenaline and N-acyl-dopamine and then converted enzymatically into N-acylnormeta¬nephrine, N-acylmetanephrine and N-acyl-3-methoxytyramine.

The competitive CAT ELISA kit uses the microtitre plate format. Adrenaline, noradrenaline and dopamine, respectively, are bound to the solid phase of the microtiter plate. Acylated catecholamine from the sample and solid phase bound catecholamine compete for a fixed number of antiserum binding sites.

Clinical Fields

Endocrinology, Oncology, Psychiatry


see Instructions for Use

Normal Value

The reference ranges given below should only be taken as a guideline. It is recommended that each laboratory should establish its own normal values.

              Adrenaline    Noradrenaline    Dopamine
Urine       < 20 µg/day   < 90 µg/day   < 600 µg/day
Plasma    < 100 pg/ml    < 600 pg/ml    < 100 pg/ml


see instruction for use


The lower limit of detection was determined by taking the 2fold standard deviation of the absorbance of the Zero Reference and reading the corresponding value from the standard curve.

                             Adrenaline      Noradenaline     Dopamine
Sensitivity (Urine):       0.08 ng/ml    0.24 ng/ml       0.44 ng/ml
Sensitivity (Plasma):     5 pg/ml       16 pg/ml         29 pg/ml

Instruction Sheet